Types of food and beverage service outlets

What are the food and beverage service outlets?

food and beverage outlets are the places where food and beverages are sold and served to customers. which may or may not to attached to a hotel.

There are different types of F&B outlets that have evolved to meet the dynamic demands of consumers. the lifestyle of people is continuously changing and so are their eating habits. 

The F&B outlets must consider the menu, service hour, mode of service, expenditure potential of the customer, the time the target

The following are the 19 well-known types of food and beverage service outlets examples and their special characteristics:

1. Bistro

bistro - food and beverage service outlets

It is a small type of F&B service outlet, a restaurant that serves simple, moderately priced meals and wine. The menu consists of dishes that are simple and easily prepared in bulk. Braised meat is a typical dish that is provided in a bistro. It serves coffee as well.

Why is it called a bistro?
The word “bistro” comes from the Russian word “bystro” which means quickly.

it originated among Russian troops who occupied Paris following the Napoleonic Wars. In taverns, they would shout the Russian (býstro, “quickly”) to the waiters, so that “bistro” took on the meaning of a place where food was served quickly.

Origin of bistro
This food and service outlet likely developed out of the basement kitchens of Parisian apartments where tenants paid for both room and board. Landlords could supplement their income by opening their kitchens to the paying public.

Menus were built around foods that were simple, could be prepared in quantity, and would keep over time. Wine and coffee were also served.

Today, bistros are mostly still part of the hospitality industry. They are often connected with hotels, bars, and pubs.

menu:  cheaper, simplified menus or menus that are not tied to a specific cultural cuisine.

service: informal and quick. It may not have printed menus.


 2. Brasserie (a Formal type of F&B outlet)

brasserie- food and beverage service outlets

It is a formal restaurant, which serves drinks, single dishes, and other meals. One can have just a drink or coffee. It extends professional service and presents printed menus. The waiters are in the traditional uniform of a long apron and waistcoat.

What defines a brasserie?

The term brasserie is French for “brewery”, from Middle French brasser “to brew”, from Old French bracier, from Vulgar Latin braciare, of Celtic origin. Its first usage in English was in 1864.

In France, Flanders, and the Francophone world, a brasserie is a type of French restaurant with a relaxed setting, 

Service: A brasserie can be expected to have professional service, printed menus, and, traditionally, white linen—unlike a bistro which may have none of these. Typically, a brasserie is open every day of the week and serves the same menu all day. 

A good example of a brasserie dish is steak fries.

3. Coffee shop

coffee shop - food and beverage service outlets
What is a coffee shop?

It is a Food and beverage outlet that mainly serves snacks and beverages 24 hours a day, however, it may serve all three meals. Most star hotels have coffee shops to cater to the needs of customers at any time of the day.

This type of service is also termed as American service or pre-plated survive.

Origin of coffee shop

The most common English spelling, café, is the French, Portuguese, and Spanish spelling, and was adopted by English-speaking countries in the late 19th century. this coffee shop concept has come from the U.S.A. The service and the ambiance of the coffee shop are informal. 


the furniture and service equipment is not very expensive. Tables may have mica, stone, or glass top. covers are laid on placemats.

The cover laid will be simple, with basic cutlery. it is normally located at ground level, fed by the main kitchen and the still room. 


Most of the dishes ordered by the guests are neatly plated in the kitchen with garnish and placed before the guests.

The main thrust is on 24-hour operation, quick service, and high seat turnover. In hotels, It may be licensed to serve wines and spirits.

4. Specialty restaurant

specialty restaurant - food and beverage service outlets
What is meant by specialty restaurants?
  • It serves specialty dishes which are its strength and contribute to the brand image. 
  • The ambiance and décor of the restaurant reflect the theme of the specialty restaurant. 
Menu of specialty restaurant
It may specialize either in a particular type of food such as fish and chips, pasta, or steaks, or in a particular type of cuisine, for example, Indian, Chinese, Italian, and so on. 
The dishes of a particular region of a country or a particular set of people are also termed ethnic cuisine.


The uniform of the service staff will be according to the tradition of the region or country. The fixtures, designs on the crockery and the menu card, music, and so on, will also depict the region. Uniformed wait staff serves food according to tradition. 

The seat turnover in this type of restaurant is low and the average revenue per cover is more compared to a coffee shop.

5. Fine dining restaurant

fine dining restaurant
What is the meaning of a fine dining restaurant?

This kind of restaurant primarily caters to the requirement of the affluent market segment which wants to experience fine dining. The restaurants are typically higher and fancier restaurants than any other restaurants of f&b such as a coffee shop, bistro, or fast food. 

A fine dining restaurant has a formal atmosphere, is almost always a sit-down restaurant, and has a fancier menu than most restaurants. Fine dining restaurants offer wine lists, and sometimes sommeliers, to help you with your food and wine pairing. They also have dress codes in most cases.

menu: It may either offer dishes of one particular region or country or exotic dishes from various cuisines, wines, spirits, and digestive.
Timing: It opens mostly during dinner time. However, It may also operate during luncheon depending on the location.
Ambiance: The ambiance and décor of the restaurant will be elegant and rich.
Equipment: The furniture is made of teak wood with fine craftsmanship. All the tables will be covered with good quality linen and napkins of contrasting colors or colors that match the décor will be folded and kept.

The glassware: chosen will be of fine lead crystal communicating to the guest the beauty of the table set-up. The metal chosen for cutlery will be either silver or electroplated nickel silver (EPNS), which will be maintained well at all times.

skills: The wait staff employed is skilled and has a sound knowledge of the dishes served. The restaurant employs sommeliers to serve wines and other alcoholic beverages.

The average revenue generated per cover is more compared to other restaurants but at the same time, the seat turnover is very low while the labor cost and overheads are on the higher side.

6. Fast food restaurant

This is also a type of food and beverage service outlet. The fast-food concept was first introduced in the USA and has now become popular around the world. It is characterized by the speed of service and the affordable price of the menu items.

Changes in eating habits, non-availability of time to wait at the table and eat. An increase in the number of working women, advancement in food processing technology, growth of the teenage market, and so on, have contributed to the success of the fast-food operation.
It is located in a very busy area.

 The features of fast food outlets are as follows

  • Specialize in one particular product. for example, burgers, pizza, and so on.
  • Variation in the menu is based on one specific product.
  • for example king burger, whole meat burger, diet burger, tikka burger, and so on.
  • Products can be prepared quickly and kept for a short while without spoilage.
  • It relies heavily on the availability of convenience products. convenience products
  • are processed foods, and ready-to-eat food such as baked beans, olive, heroin, sauces, and so on are some examples.
  • Ensures good portion control as convenience products form the base and the presentation is clearly displayed over the counter for the customer to know.
  • Very bright and colorful interior of the outlet.

some of the best fast food restaurant

7. Rotisserie

What is Rotisserie?

Rotisserie, (also known as spit-roasting), is a style of roasting where meat is skewered on a spit – a long solid rod used to hold food while it is being cooked over a fire in a fireplace or over a campfire, or roasted in an oven. This method is generally used for cooking large joints of meat or entire animals, such as pigs or turkeys. 


This type of outlet specializes in grilled or roasted meat, poultry, and fish, which are prepared in front of the guests. The griller is operated either by gas or by electricity.

The guest can see the way their chosen cut is being cooked through a glass portion. the cooked meat is served on the plate by the food service staff along with salad, potatoes, and the accompanying sauce.

The decor of the restaurant may be moderate. wine and beer may also be served.

Some Rotisserie dishes

  1. Bourbon Rotisserie Pork Roast
  2. Take-Out Style Rotisserie Chicken
  3. Herb and Red Wine Rotisserie Leg of Lamb
  4. Marinated Rotisserie Roast Beef
  5. Peruvian Roasted Chicken
  6. More

8. Barbeque restaurant

This kind of F&B service outlet specializes in barbeque dishes, both vegetarian and non-vegetarian delicacies. The marinated pieces of meat, poultry, fish, vegetables, paneer, and so on, are inserted into skewers and cooked over live charcoal or electric griller.

Frequent basting with marinades and oil is done during cooking, which fills the area with aroma. It serves as an excellent tool for merchandising.


The aroma of barbeque dishes and the way they are prepared and presented make people buy them.

It is generally located near a swimming pool, rooftop, lawn, seaside, and so on, and is open during evening hours.


western and Indian delectable barbeque items may be available. some barbeque restaurants serve beer.

11 Best Barbecue Recipes


9. Nightclub

night club - food and beverage service outlets

It operates during the night and offers dinner, dance, and live entertainment. cabarets or floor shows are the main attractions of the nightclub. couples can dance on the dance floor to the music performed by live bands or to recorded music. Guests are required to wear formal wear.

night clubs levy an entry fee. Dinner and wine are served at the table and guests can have their meal while enjoying the show.

In India, some metro cities have nightclubs. However, in some states is not permitted.

10. Discotheque

Discotheque - food and beverage service outlets

It operates during night hours. It provides a dance floor for guests to dance on. special sound and lighting effect is created for an appropriate ambiance. Drinks, especially beer, and snacks are made available during operations.

The service is very informal. It is patronized mostly by the youth and couples. The dress code is not insisted upon. It is generally located in secluded places in hotels.


So as to avoid disturbance to other guests. The entry is limited to a certain number of guests according to the floor/room capacity and an entry fee is levied.

11. cafe


This is an F&B outlet of French origin, mainly serving coffee and snacks. The French introduced café in the French colonies in India, but serve Indian snacks such as vada, samosa, bonda, and so on along with coffee and pastries. 

Many outlets in India, especially in the south, name their operations as a café even now. 


These cafes serve Indian snacks and meals, sandwiches, burgers, pizzas, pastries, and beverages. 

The customers are served at the table following the American style which increases the seat turnover, but the average revenue per cover is low due to the lower pricing of dishes.

12. cafeteria

The traditional cafeteria system consists of a straight line of counters containing a variety of hot and cold dishes. The customers start at the end of a line, pick up a tray, and move along the length of the counter as they select the dishes they want to have.

the cashier who is seated at the end of the counter makes bills for items selected and collects payment. This is not required if the meals are pre-paid. This form of service is widely followed in institutions and industrial catering establishments.


In the modern ‘free flow cafeteria’ system the counters are segregated according to the type of dishes offered- hot or cold, appetizers, soups, bread, sandwiches, entrees, salads, pasta, and so on.

The customers can move at will to any of the service points to select dishes and exit through the payment point.

The tables have basic accessories such as crusts, straw holders, napkin dispensers, and water glasses.

Cafeterias are situated in railway stations, cinema halls, shopping complexes, college premises, office premises, and so on.

13. Foodcourt

food court - food and beverage service outlets

It refers to a number of independent food stalls. Each serves different items of food. The customers order the food they want to have and consume it in a common dining area.

The types of dishes offered represent local cuisine and dishes that are popular globally. Food courts are found in big shopping complexes, entertainment complexes, amusement parks, airports, and so on.

Where there is heavy traffic of customers. It is mostly self-service. The waiter may assist in clearing the table and serving the water. Disposable items such as plates, spoons, and forks are extensively used.

The revenue per cover is moderate and affordable for the common man.

14. kiosk

kiosk - food and beverage service outlets

A kiosk is a small permanent or temporary structure on a sidewalk from which items such as coffee, tea, pastries, chocolate, favorites, and so on, may be sold. The items bought may either be taken away or consumed at tables arranged nearby. Most kiosks do not have seating provisions.

15. Drive-in 

drive-in - food and beverage service outlets

In drive-in outlets, customers drive in, park their vehicles at a parking lot, and remain seated in their vehicles. The waiters go to the customers with menu cards, collect orders, and deliver the items on specially designed trays and the customers remain parked while they eat.

The first drive-in restaurant was Kirby’s Pig Stand, which opened in Dallas, Texas, in 1921. In North America, drive-in facilities of all types have become less popular since their heyday in the 1950s and 1960s, with drive-throughs rising to prominence since the 1970s and 1980s.

The largest Drive-In still in operation is The Varsity of Atlanta, Georgia.

16. Oyster bar

oyster bar - food and beverage service outlets

It is a Type of F&B outlet that specializes in serving of fresh oysters. The oysters are opened or shelled behind the counter, within the sight of guests. The counters are made of non-porous materials, usually, granite, which can be easily cleaned.

Fresh oysters are served on a bed of crushed ice with oyster cruets, brown bread, and butter.


17. Pub

pub - food and beverage service outlets

This food and beverage service outlet mainly serves various kinds of beer, especially draught beer, and snacks. Originally, they were owned by breweries to sell their beers. In India, cities like Bangalore and Mumbai have some finest pubs.

18. Bar 

bar - food and beverage service outlets

This F&B outlet offers all kinds of spirits such as whiskey, gin, vodka, rum, brandy, tequila, wines, and beers. Hotels and restaurants have a separate licensed area to sell these alcoholic drinks. Snacks are also offered.

Hotels may also have an additional bar in the food service area/restaurant to dispense wines, beers, and spirits during the service called a dispense bar.

19. carvery

This is also an F&B outlet it is also a food and beverage service outlet serving roast meat and poultry, which are carved at the carving counter by a carver in the presence of the guests. Accompanying sauces and vegetables are served with the roast.

A survey also serves alcoholic beverages. A table d’ hote menu of four courses with roast meat or poultry as the main course is offered.


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