About us

Welcome to food and beverage service knowledge, we are glad and grateful that you are here. We created this website to help you acquire knowledge about various aspects of  F&B service.

About the website    

This website introduces the student and professional various aspects of  F&B service. Including the organization of the staff members and service equipment that form an important part of the F&B department.

Readers will also be made familiar with different types of food and beverage services, such as room service, gueridon service. menu knowledge, food service, food, and beverage staff of the hotel, and so on.

about us

If you have any queries please contact me 

Email id: saswata.banerjee2017@gmail.com

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Saswata Banerjee

Welcome to "Food and Beverage Knowledge," where I, Saswata Banerjee, share my passion and expertise in the world of hospitality. As a professional hotelier with years of experience in the industry, I have a deep understanding of food and beverage service, and I'm excited to bring that knowledge to you.