Essential French Culinary Terms

Catering professionals and students must have a sound knowledge of the culinary and French terms that are very often found on menu cards and culinary books. Culinary terms are different from French terms and some French terms, especially culinary terms, can not be translated into English they should be written as they are.

Also, catering professionals should be able to understand French terms in order to explain the dishes to guests effectively. A working knowledge of French grammar and menu terms also facilitates in compiling the menu.

We will be discussing in this guide abut some culinary and French terms, French name of ingredient, and French name for some of the items used in restaurant.


Culinary and French terms:

French names of ingredients:

1. La viande
Meat63. Le turbotTurbot
2. Le boeufBeef64. Le cabillaudCod
3. Le veauVeal65. L’aiglefin (m)Haddock
4. L’agneau (m)Lamb66. Le merlanWhiting
5. Le moutonMutton67. La SoleSole
6. Le porcPork68. La barbueBrill
7. Le lardBacon69. La limandeLemon sole
8. Le jambonHam70. La brèmeBream
9. L’aloyau de boeuf (m)Sirloin of beef71. Les crevettes grises (f)Shrimps
10. La côte de boeufWing ribs of beef72. Les crevettes roses (f)Prawns
11. Le filet de boeufFillet of beef73. La langoustineScampi
12. La culotte de boeufRump of beef74. L’écrevisse (f)Cray fish
13. Le cuissot de veauLeg of veal75. Le homardLobster
14. La longe de veauLoin of veal76. La langousteCrawfish
15. La noix de veauCushion of veal77. Le crabeCrab
16. Le carré de veauBest-end of veal78. Les huîtres (1)Oysters
17. L’épaule d’agneau (f)Shoulder of lamb79. Les coques (f)
18. L’épaule de mouton (f)Shoulder of mutton80. La coquille St JacquesScallop
19. Le gigot d’agneauLeg of lamb81. Les légumes (m)Vegetables
20. Le gigot de moutonLeg of mutton82. La betteraveBeetroot
21. Le carré d’agneauBest-end of lamb83. La carotteCarrot
22. Le carré de moutonBest-end of mutton84. La pomme de terrePotato
23. La selle d’agneauSaddle of lamb85. Le ChampignonMushroom
24. La selle de moutonSaddle of mutton86. La tomateTomato
25. La côte d’agneauLamb chop87. Le chou-fleurCauliflower
26. La côte de moutonMutton chop88. Le radisRadish
27. La côtelette d’agneauLamb cutlet89. Le navetTurnip
28. La côtelette de moutonMutton cutlet90. Le chou
29. Le foieLiver91. Le brocoliBroccoli
30. La volaillePoultry92. L’artichaut (m)Artichoke
31. Le poussinBaby chicken93. L’aubergine (f)Egg plant
32. Le poulet de grainSmall roasting chicken94. Le poireauLeek
33. Le poulet reineMedium roasting chicken95. Les petits pois (m)Peas
34. La poulardeLarge roasting chicken96. Les épinards (m)Spinach
35. Le dindonneauYoung turkey97. La laitueLettuce
36. La dindeTurkey98 L’oignon (m)Onin
37. Le canetonDuckling99. L’asperge (1)Asparagus
38. Le canardDuck100. Le concombreCucumber
39. L’ole (f)Goose101. L’échalote (f)Shallot
40. Le pigeonPigeon102. Le PersilParsley
41. Le gibierGame103. La mentheMint
42. La venaisonVenison104. Les fruits (m)Fruits
43. Le lièvreHare105. La pommeApple
44. Le lapinRabbit106. L’abricot (m)Apricot
45. Le faisanPheasant107. La bananeBanana
46. Le perdreauPartridge108. Le cassisBlackcurrants
47. La grouseGrouse109. La ceriseCherry
48. La bécasseWoodcock110. Les airelles (f)Cranberries
49. La bécassineSnipe
111. La figueFig
50. La cailleQuail112. Le citronLemon
51. Le canard-sauvageWild duck113. Le melonMelon
52. Le poissonFish114. L’orange (1)Orange
53. L’anchois (m)Anchovy115. La pêchePeach
54. L’anguille (f)Eel
116. La poirePear
55. Le harengHerring
117. L’avocat (m)Avocado pear
56. Le maquereauMackerel118. L’ananas (m)Pineapple
57. Le saumonSaimon
119. La prunePlum
58. La truite saumonéeSalmon trout
120. La framboiseRaspberry
59. Les sardines (f)Sardines
121. La rhubarbeRhubarb
60. La truiteTrout
122. La fraise
61. Le thonTuna123. Les oeufs (m)Eggs
62. Le flétan
Halibut124. La crèmeCream

Menu terms used in a menu

1. DubarryCauliflower8. FlorentineSpinach
2. ClamartPeas9. VeroniqueGrapes
3. DoriaCucumber10. ParmentierPotatoes
4. LyonnaiseOnion11. PrincessAsparagus
5. WashingtonMaize12. JacksonPotatoes
6. SingaporePineapple13. ProvencaleTomatoes and garlic
7. NormandyApple14. PortugaiseTomatoes

French names for some of the items used in the restaurant:

1. La tasseCup10. Le pot au laitMilk jug
2. La soucoupeSaucer11. Le sucrierSugar bowl
3. Le couteauKnife12. Le tire-bouchonCork-screw
4. La fourchetteFork13. La loucheladle
5. La cuillerSpoon14. La passoireStrainer
6. La cuiller à soupeSoup spoon15. La soupièreSou[p tureen
7. La cuiller à théTea spoon16. La servietteNapkin
8. L’assiette (f)Plate17. Le verre à vinWine glass
9. Le verreGlass18. Le verre à piedStemmed glass

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Saswata Banerjee

Welcome to "Food and Beverage Knowledge," where I, Saswata Banerjee, share my passion and expertise in the world of hospitality. As a professional hotelier with years of experience in the industry, I have a deep understanding of food and beverage service, and I'm excited to bring that knowledge to you.